A National Webinar on ‘Thalassemia: Prevention and Cure’ was organised by Let’s Help Someone in collaboration with Department of Home Science, Arya Mahila PG College, Varanasi on 10th May 2020. The Webinar was attended by 94 participants from across 8 states and has been highly appreciated by all. The speakers, Rohit Roy and Nikita Ajwani majorly informed the participants about Thalassemia, its symptoms, prevention, treatments, life of thalassemics and its effect on married life. Along with this, we had Dr. Lalit from Banaras Hindu University who discussed about Thalassemia and the Covid-19 scenario in Varanasi.
We thank our supporters, specially Dr. Deepika Baranwal Ma’am from AMPGC, Varanasi for helping us organise the event at such a large scale. Our heartiest gratitude to all the participants for attending the webinar and helping us spread the awareness on such critical yet unattended issue.
We are doing our part to to make a Thalassemia Free World. Are you?