Thalassemics Fight COVID-19
Thalassemics Fight COVID-19 COVID-19 pandemic is an unpredictable challenge for the world and more so for the Thalassemics. Thalassemics who already fight to survive have now one more challenge to face. People are struggling for food and groceries but in this pandemic, Thalassemics are struggling for their blood transfusion and chelation especially in the rural …
The National Webinar
A National Webinar on ‘Thalassemia: Prevention and Cure’ was organised by Let’s Help Someone in collaboration with Department of Home Science, Arya Mahila PG College, Varanasi on 10th May 2020. The Webinar was attended by 94 participants from across 8 states and has been highly appreciated by all. The speakers, Rohit Roy and Nikita Ajwani …